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The South Dakota Board of Regents sponsored a project in the JMP Laboratory, "Physics-Based Modeling to Advance Research of Innovative Composite Joining Technologies".
The Air Force Office of Scientific Research sponsored a project through the DOD Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP) in the JMP Laboratory, "Combined Mechanical and Optical Experimental Setup (CMOES)".
The Office of Naval Research currently sponsors a project through the Office of Naval Research (ONR) STEM program, "Promoting System-Level Thinking in Undergraduate Engineering Courses". Visit this project's website at http://seed.sdsmt.edu/.
The Center for Printing and Anti-Counterfeiting Technology has sponsored projects related to the development of novel materials for security printing. Visit the SPACT website at http://spact-center.org/.
The National Science Foundation currently sponsors a project through their S-STEM program, "S-STEM: Culture and Attitude II". Visit the NSF website at https://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1564837 for more project details.